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Association of Certified Kyoto Traditional Products Craftsmen "Hibiki"


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What's New

We have released a page of "Craft dialogue" where you can learn about crafts in Q&A format.
​ will be updated from time to time.

May 6, 2022 

Information on the 2nd Kogei Exhibition has been posted on the Kyoto Shimbun art and event information site "Kotoshirube".

September 18, 2021 

​Kyomono Certified Craftsmen's Association "Hibiki" 2nd Kogei will be held only for Instagram live distribution due to the extension of the emergency declaration. 

September 10, 2021 


“Hibiki” is a group of artisans who practise traditional crafts, and who have been recognised by Kyoto Prefecture as Certified Kyoto Traditional Products Craftsman. This title is awarded by the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture to particularly skilled and motivated artisans involved in designated Kyomono Traditional Crafts, such as Nishijin-ori (woven textiles), Kyo-butsugu (Buddhist objects), and Kyo-yaki/Kiyomizu-yaki (ceramics).In April 2018, a group of such artisans formed the group known as “Hibiki” in the hopes of practicing and showcasing their craft in a greater number of settings.


Going beyond the boundaries of traditional industries, we utilise our expertise in the fields of Nishijin-ori, Yuzen-dyeing, ceramics, lacquerwork, Buddhist objects, bamboo craft, tatami, metalwork, Shinto objects, seals, and tasselled cords for activities not only in Japan, but also in Europe, the US, other parts of Asia, and more. We will use our experience to solve your everyday challenges, or any other problems, utilising the unique viewpoint of artisans, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Please see Facebook, Instagram, and blog for Hibiki's activities and members' activities.

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