おうちで工芸 Q&A
Ceramics & Kinsai
Q. 陶磁器の金彩について教えて下さい。
A. 京焼・清水焼の上絵付け師をしています小手鞠窯 並川です。
「金襴手」と言われる技法です。 (写真3枚目、写真4枚目)
[回答者 上絵付け師 小手鞠窯/並川昌夫(京焼、清水焼)]
Q: Can you tell me about kinsai for ceramics, as well as the overglaze decoration that became famous through a Japanese drama series?
A: My name is Masao Namikawa, and I am an overglaze artisan who works on Kyo-yaki/Kiyomizu-yaki at a studio called Kodemarigama.
Overglaze Decoration
Firstly, what is overglaze decoration? The ceramic tea and rice bowls commonly used in Japan are coated with a glassy liquid - glaze. Underglaze decoration is what is painted on a piece before applying glaze. Overglaze decoration is what is painted after the piece is glazed and fired.
At my studio, the gold we use for overglaze can roughly be split into two categories: gold dust and gold melted into liquid using a mix of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. Gold dust is ranked by its purity; for example, Rank 1 or 3. Both are of high levels of purity. The gold dust in the first photo below has been mixed with a small quantity of a fixing agent, which makes the gold stay on the ceramic piece after it has been fired. While adding water little by little, the mixture is ground together on a pane of frosted glass until it reaches the appropriate concentration.
As for liquid gold, gold is first dissolved with a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, making chloroauric acid. Its reaction to resin then makes the base for liquid gold. Adding an organometallic compound to this creates liquid gold (see the second photo below). Of course, you can't make this by yourself, so it's sold in bottles.
There are also different types of liquid gold, like bright gold (a gold and resin compound that doesn't contain gold dust), matte gold (a gold and resin compound with gold dust), and half matte gold (which only contains half the amount of gold dust in matte gold). In addition, there is an abundance of variations that depend on the percentage of gold content (20%, 30%, etc.). All of them allow you to paint gold evenly in a thin layer. During the firing process, the impurities burn off, leaving only the gold behind. Unlike gold dust, there is no need to use a fixing agent.
Kinsai for Ceramics
In the context of overglaze decoration for ceramics, kinsai refers to using gold when decorating pieces with the diverse techniques of Kyo-yaki/Kiyomizu-yaki. This can include decorating with gold only, using gold with overglaze enamels, or applying gold on top of the enamels, but all are known as kinsai.
Allow me to show you some of these techniques with the photos below. The third and fourth photos are of gold-painted porcelain. The pieces were painted red and greenish-yellow and then fired. This process was repeated several times, and once the colours looked even, the undercoat was done. They were fired for about three hours at approximately 730°C. After this, pure gold was used to illustrate a mountain and water design and an arabesque pattern. The pieces were fired again at a lower temperature (550-600°C for about two and a half hours). This step is called the "second firing".
However, please note that these processes and firing temperatures and times have been developed through my 25+ years as an overglaze decoration artisan, and they are not fixed methods. It also depends on the size of the kiln and the type of decorating materials.
Part of my explanation on liquid gold has been excerpted from Nippon Kin-eki Co., Ltd.
(Answered by Kyo-yaki/Kiyomizu-yaki overglaze decoration artisan Masao Namikawa of Kodemarigama)